Jörg Palm a Marie Kříženecká - Tango Argentino

Zakladatelé Studio12. Jörg uci tanec professionalni od roku 1994. On byl taky Breakdance IDO-World Champion 2007, ucitel Salsu vic nez 10 let a nejvyssi ballroom class dancer. Nyni jenom Tango, 8 hodin za den! Maja tancuje vic nez 10 let Tango a uci s Jörgem od 2013. Oba miluje TANGO!

Marie -Maja- Krizenecka

Marie is Co-Founder of Studio12 and can share a lot of experience in Tango with you. She dances both Modern and Classic Tango on high level. She danced some years shows together with Jörg.

Zuzka Kleinova

Zuzka is amazingly creative and gives us a lot of Tango workouts and exercises. She lives Tango and as a Medical Doctor she knows the Body and Structures of Muscles perfectly, which is a big help for students. She is very helpful in our classes and people love her genuine support for their dance.

Josef Krupicka

Josef -Pepa- Krupicka is Maries husband and is very skilled in explaining complex moves and very patient and helpful. He teaches on Thursdays every second week with Zuzka and they are great team.